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Why I do what I do, the way I do it...

When asked, I reckon most independent business owners would say they started because they wanted more freedom. 

When I began in marketing, I was employed. I had a great 'boss' who wasn't bossy at all, but was more of a leader, mentor and cheerleader for me. I was afforded autonomy, responsibility and scope to develop my role - so why did I choose to leave? I didn't - a pesky pandemic made me...


So, when started Carbon Copy Social I wanted to remain flexible. I had two young daughters at school, and kids as you know do weird things like forget PE kit, run out money, get headaches in the middle of the day and have hospital, doctor, dental appointments, friends after school... All the things that need a parent to drop everything for them when needed.


My business allowed me to do that for them. Bonus, it allowed me to choose when to network, and who with, who to select as a client and who to use as a supplier too :)


But now my girls are grown and living away from home (for the time being), so I now fill my need to be needed by something a bit more prickly than a grumpy teen!

Hedgehog nursing...

In August 2024 I began taking in sick and injured hedgehogs for nursing, rehabilitation and release back into the wild. â€‹


You can read the full story of how I became a hedgehog nurse in my blog, but for now, let's just say, if you work with me part of your fee will go towards to care of one of the UKs most beloved and sadly near-endangered wild species.

My first hedgehog - Hoggle

Values are everything


I love working with people who have the same values as me. That is to say; working in partnership, helping people find that thing or person they need and establishing a trusting relationship. To me, the most successful relationships are built on trust and mutual respect. If you think along the same lines as me, then I think we’ll get along.


Marketing has shifted over the years as the platforms have developed and now the most successful strategies all have roots in building relationships. If you’re happy to have a chat and see how we can connect with your audience, give me call.

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